LEGAL. Upon request, Mattachine recommends individuals with legal problems-which generally result from a conflict with the law-to see qualified attorneys. Such attorneys also act as advisors to the Society in various areas and approve policies, projects and publications from a legal standpoint. While the organization is not and cannot be influential in legal-legislative matters (Mattachine's charter does not per mit lobbying activities), the Society has, upon request, furnished reprints of recommended penal codes and other legal articles to some legislative assemblies, groups working in the sphere of sex behavior problems (often seeking a harsher legal code), and to individuals concerned with administration of justice-including police departments, jurists and attorneys.
PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC. As in problems of the law, the Society also makes it a policy to recommend persons with adjustment problems to qualified doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists. Many persons have found happier personal adjustment from the counseling programs recommended by the Society.
LIMITATIONS. Certain things are not done and cannot be done by Mattachine or its members. We condone no illegal activity in the organization, no corruption of minors and no exchange of names for personal correspondence. The organization stands for highest standards of group and public behavior at all times and seeks to promote responsible cit izenship.
Mattachine maintains highest respect for individual civil rights and personal liberties. However it opposes sex activity in public, or between adults and minors, or which involves use of force, violence or fraud, or spreads disease. It asks its members and friends everywhere to be useful, well behaved citizens, respectful of law and a credit to the communities in which they live.
VI. LEGAL AFFAIRS Aside from the function of referring individuals seeking legal counsel to qualified attorneys, the Legal Affairs Department is primarily concerned with information and educational work in the legal-legislative fields. Here court decisions and opinions, revisions in the penal codes, etc., are received, reproduced and disseminated. Special publications discussing civil liberties, individual rights in case of arrest, and points of law in various penal codes have been issued. Liaison by this department is maintained with such organizations as American Civil Liberties Union, American Friends Committees on Legislation, and with private attorneys and public officials. The department sponsors an annual Legal Affairs Seminar at which pressing legal questions are discussed. It seeks to contact key persons in legislative bodies to learn of forthcoming bills to be considered for enactment. It furnishes Mattachine infor mation and education materials to persons in legal and legislative positions.
FROM NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS in San Francisco, and from Area Council offices in other cities, Mattachine functions are administered by a small paid staff and a host of volunteer member-workers. The Society's general convention elects three members each year for three-year terms to the Board of Dir ectors. This Board, in turn, elects its own administrative officers (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary-General, and Treasurer General) and names the directors of the six operating departments described above.
MATTACHINE REVIEW, the Society's largest regular production and distribution operation, is managed and produced in San Francisco.
REGULAR STAFF officers presently include the SecretaryGeneral, Publications Director and the Director of Legal Affairs. A small part of their salaries are paid by the Society. Together with aṇ administrative assistant, they maintain the national offices on a 6-day schedule every week.
AREA COUNCILS operate as independent project groups within the framework of the organization and follow the general policies as determined by the Board of Directors and the Gen eral Convention. These Area Councils levy their own local dues and conduct educational programs, publish newsletters and otherwise promote their own local organizational setup.
DUES FROM MEMBERS, income from subscriptions and sales of publications, and gifts and contributions comprise the lim ited income of the Society. There is no endowment income of any sort at the present time, however means are under investigation whereby aid from research foundations, etc., will be obtained if possible.
DONATED LABOR has been responsible for the major part of Mattachine's accomplishment in all of its offices and Area Councils.
HELP IS NEEDED. While income has risen (to about $12,000 annually in the National Office in 1960), expenses have soared upward at a higher rate. A majority of the hours spent by the regular staff on Mattachine work in the National Office is not compensated by the Society itself. A few loyal supporters of the movement across the country have made pledges which
they have faithfully maintained for several years. A few others have made substantial annual gifts and responded to periodic appeals for contributions (April is Mattachine "Birthday Month and date of the Society's annual finance drive). But support in this category is far short of the actual need. A very few are contributing for services which many call upon the Society for.
WHO CAN JOIN? Any person 21 years of age, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sex or sexual orientation, and who is seriously interested in the program and goals of Mattachine, may become a member in one of several categories: ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP-$10 per year, plus local dues and acceptance by an area council.
SUBSCRIBING MEMBERSHIP-$15 per year (non-voting). SUSTAINING MEMBERSHIP-$100 per year (non-voting). LIFE MEMBERSHIP-$500 (non-voting).
In all cases above, membership includes a subscription to Martachine Review, Interim and other Mattachine publications similarly issued. Only active membership carries the privilege of voting at the annual convention.
Additional information about the Mattacbine Society, including requirements for establishing additional chapters, may be obtained by writing to the Board of Directors. Please address these inquiries to:
Mattachine Society, Inc.
693 Mission Street San Francisco 5, California